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How to Start a Business Today

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Last week on Design Create Inspire, I talked about how I started my business and what I wish I knew when I started. This week I'm going into what you can do to start your own business. Six tangible tips that you can get working on today. As always, listen to or watch this week's episode, where I go deeper into the topic.

Develop your brand

Who is your target market - your ideal client? Develop your brand based on them, not you! What colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic do you want your brand to convey? I wanted my brand to feel timeless, sustainable, efficient, and clean. So, I use neutrals with pops of green for my color palette and sans serif, modern fonts. You want your brand to shine through everything that comes from your "office." So, even your contracts want an esthetic that fits your brand. Developing this from day one helps create cohesion between all your deliverables.

Determine your Ideal Project

Start creating a portfolio (website/Instagram) with these types of projects. For Instagram, it can be inspirational photos at first while you build your portfolio (always give credit if it’s not your work). You can also start creating concept sketches and renders for your ideal project for your online portfolio. This will attract the clients you want (listen to Episode 4: The Ideal Client for more info on clients).

Business Plan

I love EntreArchitect’s 60 Minute Business Plan. It helps you focus on goals, the future, and finances. I have a degree in business, so I have developed many business plans, but the 60-minute business plan is my favorite method. You can do it in one sitting and develop the plan as you grow.

When I first started my business, I made a 10-year plan, and every few years, I revise it and write out what has actually happened to compare the two. It’s fun seeing the progress I’ve made and where I was then vs now. It also helps me push towards those goals.

I am a big believer that it will happen once you put something out there. By writing it down as a goal, you’re setting it out as an intention, and you’ll subconsciously (and consciously) be working towards that goal. It’s the most simple yet powerful way to grow a business.

Legal Logistics

There are legal logistics, like a business license, DBA (if your company isn’t your own name), and professional liability insurance. So once you have a name, you can get your business license. Once you have a project, you should get liability insurance. Also, don’t forget that ALWAYS have a contract, even if the project is for a family member. Contracts are so important.

We offer contract templates so you can get clients and get paid today!

In California, it is not required for architects or interior designers to have professional liability insurance (sometimes called E&O insurance), but I highly recommend you get it. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind, and in this industry, they like to say, “it’s not if you get sued. It’s when”. Also, make sure you get whatever other insurance is required. Commercial, auto, workers comp, etc.

Deliverables Toolkit

Templates for:

  1. Proposals

  2. Contracts

  3. Invoices

  4. Emails

  5. Meetings

  6. Misc.

It's crucial to develop a toolkit consisting of your deliverables. Workflow and systems evolve over time, but starting this toolkit from day one is wise. When I went to give my first big proposal, it took me days to develop the proposal. I did not get the job and felt frustrated that I spent so much time organizing the proposal, figuring out fees, etc. Then I realized I was developing my systems and that each proposal would be more effortless and refined.

My proposals and contracts are constantly developing - even 6 years later, I made edits to my agreements yesterday!

But now, I have a great template that I can send out easily with a few modifications rather than it taking days to organize. So remember, these things come with time, and each deliverable you work on for a client becomes a template for the next one.

Spread the word

Start telling anyone and everyone what you’re doing. Get it out there. You never know what aunt’s cousin’s neighbor is looking to start a remodel. That’s how you can get your foot in the door. Don’t be afraid of starting. Everyone has a first project. Every successful architect had to start somewhere.

Now some last words of wisdom:

Do not compare your business to others who have been in business for years.

It’s easy to do, but it is detrimental to your success. Use businesses you respect as a goal and case study, but not as a comparison. Someone who has been in business for years has spent countless hours behind the scenes getting to where they are. Know that slow growth is sustainable. You will one day be the business leader that others look up to and wonder how you got to where you are.


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